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Getting Started with the MultiRoute Go! API: From Addresses to Optimization

This guide outlines the steps required to obtain optimized routes using the MultiRoute Go! API, starting with an empty account.

1. Authentication

Authenticate using Basic Auth: http://username:password@domain/, replacing username, password, and domain with your credentials. For SaaS, the domain is https://go.multiroute.de.

2. Adding Addresses:

Add address data using the following endpoint:


Submit a POST request with a JSON payload like this:

  "update": true,
  "insert": true, 
  "adresse": [
      "oi": "UNIQUE_BUILDING_ID_1",
      "longitude": 13.40123,
      "latitude": 52.52001,
      "plz": "10115",
      "ort": "Berlin",
      "strasse": "Example Street",
      "hausnummer": "1",
      "is_active": true,
      "privathaushalte": 1,
      "gewerbebetriebe": 0
    // ... more addresses

Each address requires a unique oi, longitude, latitude, and is_active set to true. Include other relevant fields as needed.

3. Defining Territories

Define your delivery territories:


Use a POST request with a JSON payload:

  "update": true,
  "insert": true, 
  "gebiet": [
      "nr": "TERRITORY_NUMBER_1",
      "name": "Territory Name 1"
    // ... more territories

4. Assigning Addresses to Territories

Assign addresses to territories using their unique oi identifier:


Example: Assigning addresses with oi values "BUILDING_ID_1" and "BUILDING_ID_2" to territory "TERRITORY_1" within the distribution "MY_DISTRIBUTION":

  "oi": ["BUILDING_ID_1", "BUILDING_ID_2"],
  "gebiet": "TERRITORY_1",
  "ausgabe": "MY_DISTRIBUTION" 

5. Initiating Route Optimization

Start route calculation for a specific territory:


Or for all territories within a distribution:


6. Retrieving Optimization Results

After the calculation completes, retrieve results (GPX, Excel, etc.) using the gehfolge_id returned from the previous step:

// ... other formats

This workflow provides a clear path to managing address data, defining delivery territories, and generating optimized routes using the MultiRoute Go! API. Consult the full documentation for advanced options and parameters.